Unexpected benefits from raising chickens

I have been interested in raising chickens as pets and for their eggs for quite awhile now. I never expected all that would result from this experience. We recently found ourselves in a very unique situation where we could actually make this happen. We moved into a guest house on some family property while we looked for a house. The move was pretty hard on our family as it was such a huge change moving from a big city and friends to a small town. The house we were living in was on some land so there was plenty of room for us to try our hand at raising some chickens. Wow, what a learning experience it has been and continues to be. If you never had chickens you would never know the crazy, quirky, and weird things that you’ll experience! I never realized how much personality that chickens have, but now I know and I can easily see why people love their chickens! We named our girls Agatha, Abigail, Virginia, Maia, Poppy, and Rosie. My boys, ages 12 and 10, and I have had so much fun with the chicks and we have been learning so much. Something crazy that we found out was that when the chicks are in the sunlight, they fall to one side and their wing goes up making them look dead, wow did this scare me the first time it happened! My friend told me that chickens like privacy when laying their eggs so she put curtains over the nesting boxes, we did and turns out it was necessary. They go in behind the curtain and are protected from the others pecking them while they lay. The “egg song” is one of the funniest things that still makes us laugh every time we hear it bellowing out from the coop each day. We now have our own home and our family, along with our hens and dogs, have settled in very nicely. The chickens actually ended up being what our family needed during this transition, they really brought us together, taught us a lot, and caused much laughter! I’m very thankful for these hens that have benefited our family in so many ways. Now we have fresh eggs each day too! If you are thinking of trying your hand at raising some chickens, if you have a setup that allows it, I strongly encourage you to give it a try! You might just be as surprised as I was at all the benefits that will come along the way!